15 Key Strategies For Marketing To Different Generations Average ratng: 3,9/5 6965 reviews
  1. Best Marketing Strategies for Different Generations One of the key elements that every marketer has to get right is to target each demographic category using a suitable medium and an appropriate message.
  2. Jan 01, 2019  30+ Key Tips for Marketing to Different Generations The Silent Generation. The Silent Generation is known for being traditionalists. Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers were once the largest generation, but according to the US Census Bureau. Generation X.

In marketing, we’ve been experiencing a shift in generational buyers over the last few years. This is challenging us to massively change our strategies. As of April 2016, Millennials (ages 18-34) have become the nation’s largest living generation at 75.4 million individuals in the United States, compared to Baby Boomers (ages 51-69) who now number 74.9 million or Gen X (ages 35-50) at 52 million.

Feb 22, 2018 13 Strategies For Marketing To Generation Z. As long as you take note of them now and prepare your marketing strategies to cater to their needs. Their buying power isn't different than any.

With the shift in generations affecting buyer demographics across the United States, it’s critical for brands to understand that each generation desires something different, and with that want to engage differently with products and services, both pre- and post-purchase.

Technology has primarily shaped and driven these engagement preferences and those companies who do not adapt quickly and stay nimble in their marketing responses are sure to be left behind. In fact, one message delivered across even one or two mediums is no longer an effective approach to encourage buying or develop brand loyalty. Now, marketing strategies once dominated by traditional means have to make room for technologies that change on a daily basis with marketing unique to each outlet.

If you’re reviewing the effectiveness of your current marketing plan in 2016 and developing strategies to better it in 2017, consider these four non-negotiable elements:

1. Each generation consumes content differently.

Millennials spend nearly 30 hours per month on social media apps, checking into social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat on an hourly basis. This means they are attached much more personally to brands and companies through these tools than they are traditional marketing efforts such as TV or radio advertising. If millennials are the target market, marketers must include an in-depth social media plan that encompasses their social networks. Be prepared – this will probably involve multiple outlets.

Gen Xers spend 5-10 hours per week consuming content online, typically in the morning and on the weekend. They also consume their content on laptops and desktop computers, and avoid utilizing tablets to read the news. They, too, are on social networking sites, but at a much lower rate than millennials. They prefer email marketing over other tactics.

Baby Boomers also spend time online consuming content. In fact, over 25% of Baby Boomers who responded to a 2015 Fractl/BuzzStream survey stated they consume over 20 hours of online content per week! They also prefer content to be shorter, reading it throughout the week. Short blogs are a fantastic way to reach this group, especially when kept to 300-400 words.

2. Each generation requires different messaging.

Millennials feel close to companies, experiencing a more personal connection through social media, so they desire companies to be authentic and real in their marketing. They are much more aware of how companies respond to social issues, and are quick to develop love or hate for a brand based on the brand’s response to things important to them.

Gen Xers have families to take care of, and therefore respond to messaging geared at providing for families, themselves, or their futures. Because of their busy work and family lives, making things easy and quick for this generation is important. They have a tendency to be overlooked because they are smaller than the exciting Millennial group or retiring Baby Boomer groups, but they are also the most influential, so missing this generation is leaving money on the table.

Baby Boomers, however, are also known as the ‘me’ generation and respond better to messaging and imagery that targets them specifically and is extremely personalized. It’s interesting to note that marketers should avoid pointing out Baby Boomers are seniors, elderly, or old. Baby Boomers desire to feel included. Consider CoverGirl make-up, they do an excellent job of ensuring their spokespeople come from a variety of ages and backgrounds to reach a broad spectrum of buyers. Ellen Degeneres became a CoverGirl at age 50, reaching not only the Baby Boomer generation but the LGBTA community as well. Queen Latifah also made an impact on the CoverGirl brand, reaching out to the both African-American and the plus-size community.

3. Each generation has a different buying process.

For Millennials, purchase decisions are made after reviewing choices with friends. Trust is a huge factor for Millennials, and they will trust their friends first over the savvy and slick marketing gimmicks from brands. That friendship factor can transfer to a brand. Knowing this, a company can craft a long term marketing plan to nurture lasting brand loyalty.

One way to foster a friendship between your brand and the Millennial consumer is to engage with them on social media. They love to use a variety of channels to share their experiences with brands, so make it easy for them to do so with photos, reviews, how-to videos, and feedback. Reward them for doing so, offer discounts and bonus items - make them the star of your brand’s show. This cultivates and deepens the give and take relationship and can substantially influence their social circles both on and off line. This is considered the marketing ripple effect. Do any of your products or services have one? How substantial is it?

Gen Xers are also online researching purchases, but they’re more apt to purchase in person versus online. This generation is also not scared off by price, nor are as budget-sensitive as Millennials. This is the generation that has already seen trends come and go, so they’re much more aware of what’s a current/passing trend versus something that is going to stick. With that said, Gen Xers are focused on quality, and are prepared to spend a little more if the product will last that much longer.

Lastly, don’t make the mistake in assuming Baby Boomers aren’t online. There is more arriving to this digital destination daily. They are researching purchase options, comparison shopping, doing their product recon before buying through short blogs, reviews, and detailed product descriptions. Because of the wealth of information available to their fingertips, the options to switch brands through educated decision-making is suddenly available. Old school blind brand loyalty is giving way to new school brand awareness and in depth product knowledge.

4. Each generation values money differently.

Not only that, but each generation carries debt differently. Millennials may have the largest spending power out of the three generations at $170 billion per year, but they also carry the largest amount of debt. Student loan debt alone totals at over $1.3 trillion in 2015, not including credit card debts, car loans, house loans, or other types of debt.

Millennials also value experience over things, as we’ve seen with the rise in the ‘sharing economy’ (such as Airbnb and Uber). When it comes to marketing, every purchase must be a positive experience, whether it’s how fun the experience of buying is to what the packaging looks and feels like.

Although Gen Xers are often overlooked, marketers need to ensure their marketing strategies also target this generation. Despite being the third-largest generation, they have more spending power than any other generation. According to Open Forum, 10% of all Gen Xers are considered “upscale”, and either have a household income of over $250,000 annually or a personal net worth of over $1 million. Just because the size of Gen Xers is smaller compared to Millennials and Baby Boomers does not mean their spending is small, too. And because they aren’t as heavily marketed to, brands have a unique opportunity to target Gen Xers, foster new relationships, and grow!

While most think Baby Boomers have money to spare, the truth is that just isn’t true. Research shows that Baby Boomers are short on their retirement funds, leading many to continue working long past when they thought they’d retire. They’re concerned with higher health costs, retirement funds, helping their children or grandchildren pay for rising tuition costs, and more. However, this generation is set to donate $20.6 trillion to charity between 2007-2016, so they aren’t necessarily as focused on the ‘me’ in ‘me generation’ as previously thought.

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In preparing marketing plans for the balance of 2016 and beyond, the key is to know who your audience is through and through. Micro-targeting and customer segmenting is no longer optional in your strategy. You’ll need to understand what messages resonate, what strategies work and don’t, and how to build long lasting relationships, not sales, across all generations.

JoAnn Corley is a passionate champion of human potential with a focus on leadership and organizational success. She has the crazy belief that we can create our best leaders and businesses from the best of our human selves. Her overall mission is to help companies put the human back in human resource though holistic talent management. She leverages her knowledge of human behavior in marketing her boutique consulting firm across a variety of channels. She has been consistently recognized as one of the top 100 most social HR & management experts to follow on social media @joanncorley.

Much has been said about marketing to different generations. From the retiring Baby Boomers to the social-media savvy Millennials with the Gen Xers in the middle, all three of them require significantly different marketing techniques. Think your small business can’t afford services from a top digital marketing agency like ours? Think again! InSync Media have specific, affordable online marketing services for small businesses.

All four generations have value to businesses, but they all need to be pampered in different ways and fortunately, myfrugalbusiness.com can give you more insight on that. Once you figure out the best way to attract each group, the next step is to gain their loyalty. Differentiated marketing can be done by any business with nearly any budget and it generally pays off when done well.

The names and age ranges of the generations often vary between sources. There are still a few remaining members of the generations that fought in World War II, fondly known as The Greatest Generation or the GI Generation, but the youngest of this group is 94 years old.


Year of BirthAges
The Silent Generation1925-194276-93
Baby Boomer1942-196454-75
Generation X1965-198053-38
Gen Z2001-20127-23

The Silent Generation

The Silent Generation is known for being traditionalists. They look for items that give them a sense of comfort and value. They also strive to belong. Even though they are senior citizens, they do not want to be thought of as old.

As the senior generation that did not grow up using computers and may have retired before using them in the workplace, many are still leery of technology. Therefore, the best marketing tools are the traditional ones that are printed, on the radio, or on television. Many still have landlines in their phones and they answer when the telephone rings.

Print material should be written for them and should include:

  • Polite greetings with sir, madam, Mr. or Mrs.
  • Large print
  • Professional language
  • No slang or need for sex appeal
  • A phone number to call rather than a website to visit
  • Nostalgia

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers were once the largest generation, but according to the US Census Bureau, Millennials have surpassed them. Boomers have money to spend and many are retired or preparing to retire. This group worked hard and were socially active in their younger years. They have built wealth and they value good deals so they can protect their wealth. Most enjoy using coupons and are the most likely to shop for items on sale. Also https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/inventhelp is a leading inventor service firm, that can make your projects come true.

Baby Boomers have experience using technology. Most were in the workplace when computers were installed. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are both members of the Baby Boomer generation, so members are generally comfortable using text messaging and other basic apps on their smartphones.

This group appreciates both traditional marketing and 21st Century marketing. Whatever style of marketing you use, Baby Boomers appreciate techniques that include,

  • The opportunity for face-to-face communication.
  • Brands they recognize but are not necessarily loyal to.
  • Well-written content without slang or hashtags.
  • Products that look expensive, but have bargain prices.
  • An appeal to their younger years – “the good ol’ days”.
  • A way to improve their lifestyle.
  • Simple uses of technology.
  • Phone numbers with real people who answer.

Generation X

Generation X was originally known as the slacker generation, simply because they never really tried very hard. But, this group is at the peak of their buying power as the oldest of the generation is close to retirement. But, this group does not have the same wealth that Baby Boomers have – many are in debt. This group remembers the world before the Internet, but the majority of Gen Xers are adept with technology. Even though this group wants to set its own trends, it does develop brand loyalty. It is also more like to spend more on brands that give back.

This group does not get the same press that Baby Boomers and Millennials get, so don’t forget about them. They are a significant segment of the population and most have dependent children. When marketing to them, remember that they were known as slackers and many do not want to work hard to learn about products and services. This group used to hang out in shopping malls, so they do have a penchant for buying things.

To market to Gen Xer’s, keep these thoughts in mind:

  • They do not want to read large amounts of content.
  • They like email.
  • The older members of the generation like mail.
  • They become loyal to brands that offer rewards.
  • They like Facebook and YouTube.
  • They are turned off by hard-core sales tactics.


Millennials make up the largest group and they do not know the world before the Internet and mobile phones. The last group just graduated from high school and many have already graduated from college. They are not as loyal to brands as older generations, so they can be tricky to convince.

15 Key Strategies For Marketing To Different Generations In One

Millennials appreciate products that help the environment or are made with sustainable products. They prefer experiences over things. And, the older Millennials have preferences that are different from the younger ones.

For example, older Millennials might already have children, work in a professional career, and have expensive college debt. Younger Millennials are in college and are still reliant on their parents. But, they all have a knack for technology.

15 Key Strategies For Marketing To Different Generations 2017

When marketing to Millennials,

  • Be active online, with blogs, social media posts (Instagram and Snapchat), and lots of video.
  • Discuss the experience of ownership, rather than just the “thing” you are trying to sell.
  • Use hashtags.
  • Limit email marketing – they don’t check their email as often as Gen Xers.
  • Talk about the cause your product supports or how it is sustainable.
  • Give them an opportunity to experience the brand.
  • Sell online.

Generation Z

15 Key Strategies For Marketing To Different Generations Examples

The youngest generation that is beginning to develop its buying power is Generation Z or Gen Z. This group is just starting college, but this makes them young consumers. This group has their own money and they have their parents’ money to spend. To get their attention, you have to get their attention, which is difficult because there are plenty of marketers vying for their eyes and ears.

They are young, but they have all grown up with smartphones and they prefer to use them over a computer – both laptop and desktop. So, your company needs to have a website that looks great on their phones. They know what influencers are and they consider YouTubers celebrities.

To market to the oldest of the Gen Z group, businesses need to:

  • Tell authentic stories.
  • Meet them online, on their phones.
  • Be socially conscious.
  • Recognize that this group is young and will change as it ages.
  • Avoid using traditional celebrities, because Gen Z doesn’t care about them.
  • Make sure the website works quickly.
  • Create a brand worth following.

Marketing To Different Generations

Once know your target market and who you’re trying to reach you may need to adjust your marketing strategy to meet that audience’s needs. Not everyone responds to the same cookie-cutter marketing approach. You’ll need to get creative and remember to be age appropriate.