Simple script collection, currently in bash and python format, to generate a complete offline Ethereum wallet by creating an ECDSA keypair and derive its Ethereum address.
You can read my article about it here:
IMPORTANT Seller central user permissions to generate mws api key in excel. The python version of this script has been updated to support mixed-case checksum address encoding through EIP55.
You can also use the included requirements.txt file to install them
Generating the EC private key. First of all we use OpenSSL ecparam command to generate an elliptic curve private key. Ethereum standard is to use the secp256k1 curve. The same curve is used by Bitcoin. This command will print the private key in PEM format (using the wonderful ASN.1 key structure) on stdout. I'm interested in generating an Ethereum public key from a private key using Python. I've tried googling around and found some resources but these are all JS nothing using Python itself. A Helper For Generating Private Key With Mnemonic Words. Useful When Develop With Ethereum, Generate Private Key For eth/geth Private Chain Client. Generating Whisper Key Pair In whisper, messages have to be encrypted with either a symmetric or an asymmetric key to prevent them from being read by anyone other than the intended recipient. After you've connected to the whisper client you'll need to call the client's NewKeyPair method to generate a new public and private pair that the node will manage.
Compiled, statically linked versions of the keccak-256sum executable are available in the lib folder of this repo for i386 and x86_64.
You can use the generated private key to import in to geth (
Note that geth will ask you immediately to choose a passphrase to protect the newly imported key.